Free Access to 3 day Entrepreneurial Investing Summit – an affiliated...

World Business Angels Investment Forum is a partner of the 3 day Entrepreneurial Investing Summit on May 11, 12 & 13th.  You will learn:  -...

Global convergence of angel investors in the Xcala Summit, the largest...

XCALA Summit, the largest angel investment meeting in Latin America and the Caribbean that brings together more than 400 entrepreneurs, angel investors and investment...

ICOs in Financial Services and the Rise of Security Tokens

ICOs have become a popular way for young companies to source investment, and their usage has soared in the last couple of years. It...

WBAF’s Senior Senator elected first Woman Mayor of Skopje City

Making a name for yourself in the business world is not easy, but for a woman, it can be especially challenging. Even though women...

Bahrain hosts the 9th term of QBAC+, world’s only certification course...

WBAF Business School hosted 20 participants including the Bahrain Development Bank (BDB), Hope Fund, Tenmou, Golden Trust, Zari International and, BEO. The programme, organized...

WBAF opens a Country Office in Albania

Albania is implementing important structural reforms that will support equitable growth, raise productivity and competitiveness in the economy, create more jobs, and improve governance...

Baybars Altuntas of WBAF announced as Global Chair of the 2022...

132 countries celebrate World Business Angel Investors Week: Angel Investors’ Flagship, 20 – 26 June 2022. World Business Angel Investors Week 2022, coordinated globally by the...

An Exclusive Interview with WBAF Chairman Baybars Altuntas on $200m WBAF Fund

Supporting ‘Scale-Up’ Businesses Around The World On the 19th of February 2018, at the World Congress 2018 of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF),...

WBAF and Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry to empower economic...

An economic cooperation agreement was signed in Manama on the 12th of November between the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI) and the...

30M Fund for Startups through WBAF announced by EIF

The European Investment Fund (EIF)  announced in Zagreb on the 3rd of October that it had contributed €15 million to a new impact investment...