Turkish Cyberpark Makes Global Waves

Bilkent CYBERPARK continued to thrive in 2017, with one prominent project being internationally voted the Most Inspiring Solution of 2017. So, what is it that they’re getting so right? Find out here.   How would you describe Bilkent CYBERPARK? Bilkent CYBERPARK, Turkey’s first private Science and Technology Park, was established in 2002. Beyond providing office space for promising tech entrepreneurs that...

An Exclusive Interview with Mendi: Figuring out FinTech Future Four

A bank that funds FinTechs, supports them with Business Angels, and then becomes their first customer? Gokhan Mendi, Vice President of the Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB) explains. As one of only three bank-backed Angel Investment platforms in the world (and the only one in Turkey), you launched your own Fintech incubation and acceleration programme last year. Could you share your experiences with...

Blazing a Trail for Turkish Entrepreneurship

As ITÜ ARI Teknokent continues to drive the early-stage tech ecosystem in Turkey, learn more about some of their biggest successes and exciting plans for the future. Could you tell us about İTÜ ARI Teknokent and its activities? İTÜ ARI Teknokent is among the first Technology Parks ever established in Turkey. We create significant synergy among all our units, physical buildings,...

Smart Learning: The Intelliegence Choice

As the EdTech sector booms with opportunity and interest, so too does the technological innovation that drives it. EdTech startup, FLOWL, plans to bring their ground-breaking product to life and to market, changing the way we learn.   DR ISTVAN CSATARI Co-Founder, FLOWL   Dr Istvan Csatari is an environmental scientist and research enthusiast who is passionate about developing concepts that have meaningful...

An Appetite for Foreign Investment

The main objective of the Startup Campus V4 Global Tour program is to boost the discoverability of the V4 regional startup ecosystem on a global scale by introducing them to international markets. The mission of the series of 10 cities and venues is also to highlight the economic and innovation potential of the V4 countries, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia...

V4 Synergy for EU Stability

The Hungarian V4 Presidency remains committed to enhancing intra and extra-regional connectivity, serving as a stabilising presence in a European and Global context. From July 2017 to June 2018, Hungary is holding the rotating Presidency of the Visegrad Group for the fifth time. Since its founding in 1991, the V4 has been guided by the principles of mutual trust, flexibility,...

Understanding the African Opportunity

‘Africa’ and ‘opportunity’ are increasingly synonymous terms. ABAN President, Tomi Davies outlines the African opportunity, and offers some pro-tips for Angel Investing in Africa.   TOMI DAVIES President of the African Business Angels Network   Africa has developed from a continent once viewed as a lost cause, to a land of vibrant opportunity - particularly when it comes to Business Angel Investments. While many...

6 Keys to Unlocking Angel Investing Success

WBAF Chairman, Baybars Altuntas, shares his six fundamental principles of Angel Investing to help guide you to investment success.   BAYBARS ALTUNTAS Chairman of WBAF     Governments around the world agree that Angel Investment is an important factor in boosting economies; and as a result many have incentivised this kind of investment. In 2017, G20 leaders announced a focus on Angel investment as a necessary...

Growing Wings: Transitioning from CEO to Angel Investor

CEOs are exceptionally well positioned to become influential Angel Investors in their retirement. Paul Doany explores the benefits and considerations of making the transition.     PAUL DOANY Chairman, WBAF Global CEO Alliance Club   World leaders, and the global business community at large, are united in acknowledging the role that Angel Investment can play in economic development. In 2017, G20 leaders announced this...

From Idea to Ico in 6 months

There are few dinner tables in the world that haven’t yet been abuzz with conversation of cryptocurrency. Beyond the buzz, this new world of blockchain is empowering entrepreneurs with ground-breaking new means of raising capital.   By now, most of us have heard of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and its appeal to SMEs all over the world. Although ICOs are...