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WBAF 2019 – World Congress of Angel Investors on 17 -19 February 2019 in Istanbul


Connecting angel investors with private equity funds, wealth management institutions and family offices to unlock the potential for innovation globally

Building on the success of the 2018 World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF), this year’s forum will focus on the theme ‘Unlocking the Potential for Innovation:Angel Investors Partnering with Private Equity Funds.The discussions will explore how private equity funds, family offices and wealth management institutions can foster open innovation and deliver more business value through partnerships with angel investors, start-ups, scale-ups, high-growth businesses and SMEs.

Angel investment too is booming worldwide.

More than 90% of the early-stage investments in Europe come from angel investor capital. The angel investment market size is more than €9.8 billion in Europe and more than US$26 billion in the US and Canada. The total size of the world’s early-stage investment market is expected to exceed $50 billion by 2020.The $50 billion market for angel investment promises a $150 billion exit in the next 5 to 7 years.

SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups: OECD reports show that more than 96% of the world’s economy is driven by SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups. Many governments have understood the importance of the early-stage investment market in the creation of new jobs and social justice in their countries and have therefore implemented new regulations that provide tax incentives for angel investors, corporate ventures and start-ups.

World Congress of Angel Investors WBAF 2019


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