WBAF Senator Chaquiriand joins the Board of HSBC Uruguay

Starting this February, Isabelle Chaquiriand, one of the top business leaders in the country, will formally join the Board of HSBC Uruguay. According to the Merco ranking of the 100 best business leaders in Uruguay, Chaquiriand ranked 16th and was twice named Entrepreneur of the Year in the manufacturing industry (2010 and 2011). "The arrival of Isabelle Chaquiriand strengthens our...

Bahrain’s universities to include WBAF’s Angel Investor 101 as a module in their curriculum

Bahrain’s universities are on their way to including WBAF’s Angel Investor 101 course as an obligatory module for undergraduate students in business administration. The Secretary General of the Higher Education Council of the Kingdom of Bahrain and WBAF’s Executive Chairman met with the rectors, deans, and executives of 14 universities to discuss how undergraduate students in Bahrain universities can...

WBAF to empower Oman’s startup economy

The Fund For Development of Youth Projects SAOC (Sharakah) of the Oman Government signed an economic cooperation agreement with the World Business Angels Investment Forum – an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) - on enhancing financial and digital inclusion, Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay, 5 February. While the world strives to contain the pandemic,...

Startups mexicanas y el financiamiento ¿cuáles son las mejores opciones?

Por Baybars Altuntas, Presidente Ejecutivo del Foro Mundial de Inversionistas Ángeles (WBAF) - ''En el pasado, los inventos fueron importantes para el desarrollo económico de las sociedades. En el siglo XXI, sin embargo, no es la invención sino la innovación lo que cuenta. En aquellos primeros tiempos, no se necesitaban habilidades empresariales para llevar un invento al mercado porque...

China startup ecosystem 101

Mariana Kou discusses the startup ecosystem in Greater China, highlighting the short-term investor concerns and the long-term potential and upside for founders and investors. Mariana Kou was a guest editor of the World Class Startup magazine’s special edition for the Global Fundraising Stage of the World Congress of Angel Investors, WBAF 2022. Angel Investor Review now shares her article with...

Los inversionistas ángeles de Latinoamérica y el Caribe se reúnen bajo una misma identidad: LACBAN

LACBAN, asociación con sede en la Ciudad de México, fungirá como la voz global para las economías emergentes de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Alrededor de 400,000 inversionistas ángeles de la región invierten más de $10 billones de dólares en emprendimientos (startups) cada año. Ciudad de México.- El Foro Mundial de Inversionistas Ángeles – World Business Angels Investment Forum, WBAF...

Angel investors of Latin America and the Caribbean gather under one umbrella: LACBAN

LACBAN, based in Mexico City, will serve as the global voice of Latin American and Caribbean startup economies. Around 400,000 business angels in Latin America and the Caribbean invest more than $10 billion in startup ventures every year. (Mexico City) Recent case studies highlight Latin America’s use of emerging technologies to achieve social goals such as increasing financial inclusion, combating...

Collaborative efforts in Bahrain for quality education of angel investors and entrepreneurs: WBAF Business School courses conclude in Bahrain

The WBAF Bahrain Country Office, the Economic Development Board of Bahrain (EDB), Tamkeen, Bahrain Development Bank (BDB), Startup Bahrain, and the Bahrain Entrepreneurs Organisation (BEO) came together to host the WBAF Business School’s QBAC+ and QBAC Basic courses in Bahrain. The Certified Angel Investor Course (QBAC+) and Certified Qualified Entrepreneur–Investment Readiness Course (QBAC Basic) of the WBAF Business School concluded...

Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-pandemic New Normal

In an article Prof Inderjit Singh recently wrote for the Japan-based Asian Productivity Organization (APO), he identified 10 challenges that present opportunities in the post-pandemic era. He focuses ton three of the most key opportunities for the World Class Startup Magazine. Prof Inderjit Singh was a guest editor of the World Class Startup magazine’s special edition for the Global Fundraising...

UAE is forging ahead to become the global economic capital

Massimo Falcioni talks about the economic vision of the UAE for global startups, entrepreneurs, SMEs and angel investors. Massimo Falcioni was a guest editor of the World Class Startup magazine’s special edition for the Global Fundraising Stage of the World Congress of Angel Investors, WBAF 2022. Angel Investor Review now shares his article with its subscribers online. He is the Chief...