WBAF announces its first Country Office in South East Asia

The Grand Opening Ceremony of the WBAF Thailand Country Office in Bangkok on the 28th of August hosted the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, 6 Ambassadors, 8 Consuls, 10 Presidents of Technoparks of ASEAN Countries namely Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei and Myanmar. The Office, the first established in South East Asia, will interact and engage with...

WBAF introduces its own Angel Investment Fund for GFRS 2020

As an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) aims to ease access to finance for businesses from startup to scaleup to exit, with the ultimate goal of generating economic development, jobs, and more social justice worldwide. WBAF is now, for the first time, raising its own investment fund...

Bahrain’s Entrepreneur Magazine features WBAF interview on entrepreneurship in the Middle East

Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the Board of Directors - World Business Angels Investment Forum gave a special interview for the B-Entrepreneur, Bahrain's leading magazine on entrepreneurship. Altuntas says in his interview ''The World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion GPFI) aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from...

Thailand in its own way to become the innovation hub of ASEAN

The Global Innovation Index 2018 published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations ranked Thailand as one of the 20 nations named by WIPO as innovation achievers. Thailand’s seven-place jump was the largest rise among countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Thailand now gets ready to host WBAF's Country Office, the first...

Government of Ghana announces the launch of the WBAF Country Office


One month after the new African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) announced its base in Ghana, now the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF), an affiliated partner of G20, makes its first home in Ghana, the first in Western Africa. Development Ministry of Ghana hosts WBAF Ghana at the Ministry. The AfCFTA is now the world’s largest free trade area...

WBAF invites new faculty members to join its Business School

It is the position of the WBAF Business School that when investors have had the advantage of training in the best practices of negotiating deals for early-stage investment, they are in a better position to ensure good returns on their investment. With this in mind, the WBAF Business School offers a wide variety of training programmes using a range...

WBAF introduces its brand new website with 138 videos for startups and investors

WBAF introduces WBAF’s brand new website, now with 138 videos for global entrepreneurs and the investment ecosystem. In addition to a new design, WBAF has updated the content, added new material, and increased its user-friendliness. www.wbaforum.org WBAF Angel Investment Fund WBAF is now, for the first time, raising its very own investment fund of USD 10M (the WBAF Angel Investment Fund), which will...

First Country Office of Western Africa opens in Ghana

With its more than 30 million population, ranked as Africa’s most peaceful country by the Global Peace Index, Ghana is one of the most promising economies of Africa. International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook announced Ghana as the 6th best GDP Growth of the World in 2018. Ghana’s location in the West African sub-region provides a unique advantage for...

Granddaughter of Nelson Mandela to represent South Africa at WBAF

Swati Mandela, granddaughter of Nelson Mandela – one of the flag names of the 21st century –representative of South Africa at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum as High Commissioner. In 1993, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk "for their work for the peaceful termination of the...

Greece & Innovation – an article by Maria Hala, WBAF Senator for Greece

It has been less than a decade whereas the startup entrepreneurship community started flourishing in Greece. During that period, lots have taken place in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, ranging from: the establishment of more than 300 startups, with respectable investments from both VCs and angel investors, a couple of exits, a €500ml Equifund inauguration and all of these during...