Smart Learning: The Intelliegence Choice

As the EdTech sector booms with opportunity and interest, so too does the technological innovation that drives it. EdTech startup, FLOWL, plans to bring...

An Appetite for Foreign Investment

The main objective of the Startup Campus V4 Global Tour program is to boost the discoverability of the V4 regional startup ecosystem on a...

V4 Synergy for EU Stability

The Hungarian V4 Presidency remains committed to enhancing intra and extra-regional connectivity, serving as a stabilising presence in a European and Global context. From July...

Understanding the African Opportunity

‘Africa’ and ‘opportunity’ are increasingly synonymous terms. ABAN President, Tomi Davies outlines the African opportunity, and offers some pro-tips for Angel Investing in Africa.   TOMI...

6 Keys to Unlocking Angel Investing Success

WBAF Chairman, Baybars Altuntas, shares his six fundamental principles of Angel Investing to help guide you to investment success.   BAYBARS ALTUNTAS Chairman of WBAF     Governments around the world...

Growing Wings: Transitioning from CEO to Angel Investor

CEOs are exceptionally well positioned to become influential Angel Investors in their retirement. Paul Doany explores the benefits and considerations of making the transition.     PAUL...

From Idea to Ico in 6 months

There are few dinner tables in the world that haven’t yet been abuzz with conversation of cryptocurrency. Beyond the buzz, this new world of...

Crowdfunding: Seeing over the crowd

Charles Sidman reviews the salient success of Crowdfunding to date, and explores some of its remaining uncertainties, risks, and opportunities for improvement. CHARLES SIDMAN (MBA,...

The Davos of the Global Early Stage Investment Community

Revered ecosystem thought-leader and President of the European Trade Association for Business Angels (EBAN), Candace Johnson, reflects on WBAF’s successful journey since 2015, and...

Realities of Female

ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN NORTH AFRICA A frank, powerful canvassing of the reality of being a North African woman entrepreneur; plus some poignant remedial solutions.   DOUJA GHARBI President,...