WBAF Angel Investment Fund closed the deal with BrioAgro Technologies of Spain

The WBAF Fund, the angel investment fund of the World Business Angels Investment Forum,  announces that it has closed a deal with the BrioAgro Technologies of Spain. BrioAgro Technologies joined the Global Fundraising Stage of the World Business Angels Investment Forum in Istanbul as a part of the startup delegation of the Andalucia Government of Spain. It was one...

WBAF announces 2022 Executive Council and Board Members of the Global Women Leaders Committee

The Grand Assembly 2022 Term 1 of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusiın (GPFI), convened at the WBAF Business School on 26 and 27 February 2022 virtually, with the participation of Endorsed Delegates from 132 countries. At the conclusion of the Global Women Leaders Committee session, a recorded...

WBAF and RevUp partner with Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and the National Commercial Bank of Jamaica (NCBJ)


The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and the National Commercial Bank of Jamaica (NCBJ) have made a robust response to the effects of COVID-19 through their support of early stage equity and capital markets. In September 2021, the DBJ and NCB announced the award of grants to RevUP Caribbean, a new virtual incubator.  RevUP is partnering with the World...

Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and National Commercial Bank (NCBJ) support SMEs through a partnership between WBAF and RevUP Caribbean

The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and the National Commercial Bank of Jamaica (NCBJ) have made a robust response to the effects of COVID-19 through their support of early stage equity and capital markets. In September 2021, the DBJ and NCB announced the award of grants to RevUP Caribbean, a new virtual incubator.  RevUP is partnering with the World...

Bahrain hosts the 9th term of QBAC+, world’s only certification course for angel investors

WBAF Business School hosted 20 participants including the Bahrain Development Bank (BDB), Hope Fund, Tenmou, Golden Trust, Zari International and, BEO. The programme, organized by the WBAF Bahrain Country Office, was delivered over four intensive days, finishing with a proficiency test. Participants are awarded a professional certificate featuring their proficiency level and a personal WBAF Identity Card – Qualified...

WBAF’s Senior Senator elected first Woman Mayor of Skopje City

Making a name for yourself in the business world is not easy, but for a woman, it can be especially challenging. Even though women make up 50.8% of the population, 60% of students receiving undergraduate degrees, and 44% of students receiving master’s degrees in business and management, these figures are not reflected in powerful positions in management. Only 4.6%...

WBAF opens a Country Office in Albania

Albania is implementing important structural reforms that will support equitable growth, raise productivity and competitiveness in the economy, create more jobs, and improve governance and public service delivery. Enhanced regional connectivity and access to regional and global markets, coupled with export and market diversification, can also help promote faster growth. Digital trade as an opportunity for economic development Albania has...

Albania on its way as a regional innovation hub of Western Balkans

A member of the multilateral Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), Albania is an inclusive, multicultural society that is intimately connected to its partner nations through its people, its trade, its aid and a form of socially and environmentally aware entrepreneurship that encourages a rising tide for all people, everywhere. The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the Albanian economy primarily...

Albania at forefront of global start-up investment markets with WBAF Country Office

Albania is implementing important structural reforms that will support equitable growth, raise productivity and competitiveness in the economy, create more jobs, and improve governance and public service delivery. Enhanced regional connectivity and access to regional and global markets, coupled with export and market diversification, can also help promote faster growth. Albania has recognized the importance of digital trade as...

Continental Leaders of Angel Investors join Angel Investors’ Flagship

The World Business Angel Investors Week 2021 will host more than 80.000 entrepreneurs, startups, investors, innovators, policy makers and thought leaders from around the world. World Business Angel Investors Week is envisioned as a great platform where all stakeholders pause to assess their fast-paced journey, to analyse why and how we should leverage angel investment as a must-have financial...