World Congress of Angel Investors – WBAF 2019 Full Agenda Announced!

An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum is bringing together key players of the equity market to discuss the benefits of and the challenges to the angel investment community’s achieving successful growth for their businesses and to discuss what more can be done to connect the early-stage market...

Regional Development Agencies of Turkey launched an angel investment network after QBAC+

A QBAC+ Closed Group Training recently took place in the Southeast Anatolian region in Turkey. Three of Turkey’s 26 regional development agencies are in the southeast of the country: the Karacadag Development Agency in Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa, the Dicle Development Agency in Mardin, Batman, Siirt and Sirnak, and the Ipekyolu Development Agency in Gaziantep, Adiyaman and Kilis came together...

The ‘Investment Oscars of Russia’ names the World Business Angels Investment Forum as the World’s Best Institution Supporting International Finance

The World Business Angels Investment Forum has been lauded as ‘The World’s Best Institution Supporting International Finance’ at a gathering of more than 200 high-net-worth individuals from across Europe and the US in Samara, in the Russian Federation. Baybars Altuntas, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, attended the awards ceremony. (London) The World Business Angels Investment Forum –...

Convergence of global angel investors in Samara of Russia

The most important convergence of angel investors of Russia hosted more than 50 global investors from more than 20 countries today in Samara Drawing together world’s top business leaders today in Samara, Volga Angels will shape the regional agenda of the early and post-early stage equity markets in the year ahead. For the first time ever, the Volga angels, the...

The World Congress of Angel Investors will convene in Istanbul 17 – 19 February 2019

The World Congress of Angel Investors WBAF 2019 will convene in Istanbul 17 – 19 February 2019 to shape the global agenda of equity markets. The main topic of the Congress will be ‘Connecting Private Equity Funds with Angel Investors & Post Early-Stage Equity Market Investors to Boost Innovation’. At the G20 meetings in Riyadh, it was announced that WBAF...

Croatia, Iran, Kosovo, Kuwait, Poland, Spain, Turkey and UK are now more connected with global investment markets.

An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) announces new Senators and High Commissioners of the Grand Assembly. Croatia, Iran, Kosovo, Kuwait, Poland, Spain, Turkey and UK are now more connected with global investment markets. Know more about new World Leaders of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Croatia, Iran,...

What is the difference between a business angel and an angel investor?

In My Opinion by Baybars Altuntas: Difference between a business angel and an angel investor? In the entrepreneurship ecosystem, angels are investors who have themselves been entrepreneurs and who invest in early-stage start-ups by providing up to $500K and contributing their know-how, mentorship and networking. It’s really just a question of different labels: in Europe, they are called business angels, and...

EIF Working Paper Released: European Small Business Finance Outlook 2018

This analysis provides an overview of the main markets relevant to the European Investment Fund. It starts by discussing the general market environment, then looks at the main aspects of equity finance and the guarantee and SME securitisation markets and, finally, it highlights important aspects of microfinance in Europe. A chapter on Fintech also complements the analysis. The EIF Working...

EBAN Publishes its Annual Fiscal Incentives

EBAN, the European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds and Early Stage Market Players presents the new edition of its much anticipated annual mapping of fiscal incentives available to business angels in Europe. This year, EBAN partnered again with BOFIDI to develop the annual publication. Fiscal incentives have an important role in stimulating the activity of business angels and...

MainOne Appoints Etienne Kouadio Doh, Ivorien GM To Drive Francophone Expansion

Reported by Yinka Okeowo, MainOne, West Africa’s leading connectivity and data centre solutions provider has appointed Etienne Kouadio Doh as General Manager, Francophone West Africa. In his new role, Kouadio Doh will lead the company’s business development activities in Cote D’Ivoire as well as oversee its expansion into new Francophone markets. Commenting on Kouadio Doh’s appointment, MainOne’s Regional Executive responsible for West...